Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lazy weekends...

As many of you know, this summer gig is actually my first full-time, 9 to 5 job (rather 8-5:30, but who's counting...), and it has definitely taken some getting used to. I thought that I would come here, work during the day and go exploring at night, but after being at work for about 9 hours all I want to do is lay around the apartment. I'm trying to do a little exploring every weekend, so that I can get to know Lima by the time I leave, but even that can be difficult.

Last night I did go to Callao, which is a part of the Lima Metropolitan area. It used to be part of Lima, but in 2002 President Toledo annexed it, so now it is a random province surrounded by Lima. It contains the Port of Callao, which is South America's most important port on the Pacific Ocean. I was under the impression that Callao was a dangerous and industrial area, but apparently I was wrong (at least partially). The area was really quite beautiful and we walked along a pebble beach past beautiful beach homes. Sadly, I forgot my camera, so I don't have any photos to show for my trip to Callao. I guess I'll have to go back some time...

I'm actually about to head to Miraflores for the evening. Amy just called and we're about to do dinner and a movie, so that should be fun. Anyhow, next week will be a long week, so there will be much fodder for blogging...

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